The Undying by
Anne Boyer
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
This is one of the most poignant, densely sad book I have ever read. Anne Boyer is so skilful in her description of pain. But there is NO soppiness, "oh poor me" sentiment in it. Perhaps the matter of fact manner she described her experience made it all the more poignant a sad indictment on capitalism and individualism in America - out of ICU straight to work, out of double mastectomy 3 days after and have to work, being offered reconstruction surgery but not be given adequate pain relief because reconstruction is a rebatable operation...I usually listen to books on Audible at 1.3 x normal speed but with this book, the metaphors, the analogies and richness of language, I listened to it at normal speed, several times, to savour and take in a poetic full calamity of capitalism, dying and modern science.
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